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The Prime Aces Clan spreads through multiple games, each game has its own seperate list of members and ranks. If a member is on more than one game he gets ranked in multiple games. In games like Halo you can message other members in the chatbox, and play. In games like Mars Explorer you can contact each other through the messaging system.








In games like Star Warfare you can tell people when you are making a game in the chat box and people can come join and play. In games like  MetalStorm you can ask other members what there gamecenter names are and you can friend them and play.





If you join you get EPIC new URLs for worlds in Mars Explorer, you can learn the Prime Aces code, and lots more! Its also a great way to just hang out with friends and play games and get achievments.









You can use the chat box on the home page by clicking "join converstiation" then log in as guest and you can talk all you want. Please remember that what you say will be seen on all computers.






Fore more info contact firespeed at:

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How It All Works

How It Works With The Iphone/Ipad

Why Join?

How Do I Use The Chat Box?

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